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Uniform is an integral aspect of school life that unites all students, promoting the concept of equality and equity. Our uniform is an extension of our values and should be worn with pride as it stands for what the school was built for – the Gospel values.  It ensures the focus within school is about learning instead of appearance.

Please check the uniform below which includes pictures to avoid clothing being selected, which is not permitted. If you are unsure please contact your Head of Year. We have a small supply of spare uniform and this will be loaned to students if they are wearing it incorrectly.  

If your child is entitled to Pupil Premium funding, please contact us if there are issues with the uniform and we can support you.

Trinity Catholic School relies on parents to provide the strongest possible support in maintaining our high standards of dress. Students will wear the full school uniform as set below.

PE Kit

The school PE kit is a plain black polo top and shorts or a skort, plain black non-branded leggings are acceptable , black PE socks and suitable trainers.

Uniform can be purchased from the school directly.  We stock blazers and ties and these can be purchased via ParentPay.  


Our uniform is smart and functional and can often prove the most economical way of clothing students whilst enabling them to positively identify with our school community.

Students in Years 7 to 11 are required to wear the school uniform as detailed below.

Students who infringe these rules may have items confiscated. They can be collected at the end of the school day from the member of staff concerned. 

  1. The school blazer must be worn at all times during the day in the building. 
  2. Hats, gloves, head coverings and scarves are for outside only. Outdoor jackets,  coats and hoodies must not be worn anywhere in the building.   
  3. Jewellery should be discreet and not cause risk to the wearer or others.  Eyebrow studs, tongue studs or other body jewellery is not acceptable.  If students have piercings, these must be done at the beginning of the summer holiday to allow jewellery to be removed in time for school in September. Earrings must be small, plain, silver stud if worn. 
  4. The skirt must be plain black and should be of an acceptable length e.g. just above the knee. 
  5. Make up should be discreet and not applied in school. Students wearing excessive make-up will be required to removed it before entering lessons. 
  6. False nails are not allowed. 
  7. Hair accessories should be discreet and non decorative. Only plain black ‘Alice Bands’ and hair bobbles should be worn. 
  8. Students may not have extreme hair styles of any type. 
  9. The definition of what is discreet, tasteful, appropriate and acceptable rests ultimately with the Head of School. 
  10. Important: in certain circumstances, if students are inappropriately dressed, they will be sent home and allowed to return as soon as they comply with our dress code.

Trinity Catholic School Uniform



Black trousers (not denim or fashion trousers

School skirts (straight or pleated) or black trousers (not denim or fashion trousers)

Plain White Shirt with stiff collar

Plain White Shirt with stiff collar

Plain grey or black (v necked pullover (optional)

Plain grey or black (v necked pullover (optional)

Dark coloured socks, white socks are not acceptable

Dark coloured socks, white socks are not acceptable, natural or black tights

Black, non canvas shoes without logos

(not boots or trainers)


Black, non canvas shoes without logos. Maximum heel height of 2”. 

(not platform, boots or trainers) 

Black blazer with school badge

Black blazer with school badge

School tie

School tie

Uniform Policy