
Physical Education at Trinity Catholic School offers a broad and balanced curriculum that seeks to engage and enthuse students.  Year 7 is an important year, setting the foundations of how to be successful in PE.  We focus on the skills, qualities and values that weill underpin learning. Topics in year 7 are generic and not solely based on sport specific activities, therefore allowing sudents to access the curriculum before topics move towards sport specific activities later in Key Stage 3 and 4.  There is an extracurricular programme in place that seeks to build on the curriculum allowing students an opportunity to develop their interests and compete against other schools.

As students move through the school, they build on prior learning, and we seek to encourage students to join clubs in our local area, whether they can receive year-round specialist coaching and competitive participation and take to the next level in their development and interest.  In lessons students focus on a range of acitivities including Touch Rugby, Football, Games Creation, Team Games, Fittness, Badminton, Athletics and Striking and Fielding. 

In Key Stage 4, PE culminates in the option of accademic study and examination course (GCSE and BTEC) where students learn about aspects of Physiology, Psychology, Sociology of Sport and Participation.  Where students select PE as an option, they have an additional 5 lessons over a fortnight.  This is separate to core PE Lessons that all KS4 students continue to follow as parf of their core curriculum.